This is the year 2020, the first year of Covid. The day is August 21st, one of the most difficult days of that season, for two reasons. The first reason was because we had to deal with the worst circumstances and government restrictions ever imposed and the second reason was that I got severely injured while setting up. Of course nothing whatsoever can stop us from delivering the very best! The biggest motivation behind all of this struggle was the sweetest, cutest couple that inspired us with their pure, young hearts, that couldn’t take no for answer, couldn’t compromise and wanted to experience it all.. And not only once, but twice, in the same day, one beautiful reception and party in the morning with half their guests and another one even more amazing in the evening, with the rest of their guests!
Extreme circumstances require extreme measures! But it was worth it and we are so proud and happy that we were part of that amazing experience and that we got reminded that there is always a solution to every problem, as long as there is love and good will!!
Concept, design & planning: Stefanotis Weddings
Photography: Fotis Dalianis